Red for Ed Update

Kate Ourada

Last year, Mountain Ridge teachers, along with thousands of others across the state, took part in the Red for Ed movement and the walk out that followed. With the start of the 2018-19 school year, many are wondering what exactly came of the widespread action and if it had any impact at all.

Adam Korman, a Red for Ed liasson and long-time teacher at Ridge, reflected on Red for Ed’s impact on our school.

The movement was such a success last year. We got so many teachers at our school and across the state of Arizona to unite in solidarity…I can’t remember a time over the past 20 years that I felt so united with my colleagues.”

The movement, which has now taken on a new title, Invest in Ed, experienced a major victory when Prop 207 was placed on the ballot for the upcoming vote this November. Prop 207, if passed, would increase state income tax by 1.0% for those making more than $250,000 a year individually and more than $500,000 a year for married couples. The money would go specifically to increasing the salary for teachers, school operations and maintenance, all day kindergarten, and increased compensation for student support personnel.

However, their celebration was short lived; the Arizona Supreme Court ruled that it was “vague and misleading” before removing it from the ballot. Korman emphasizes the disappointment Red for Ed supporters are feeling about this ruling.

“Losing prop 207 was a huge blow. We believe the voters should get to decide how the funding cuts should be restored. This has only made our belief stronger that nothing will truly change until we get different, pro-education politicians in office.”

While the leaders within the movement have not voiced a clear plan in response to the loss of Prop 207, for those who can, there is still one clear solution: vote. If you want to see change on local and national levels, the best way to do that is to make your voice heard and exercise your right to vote.