What Gets Under Your Teachers’ Skin?

September 28, 2018
There is always something that pushes your teacher to the edge. But what exactly are these things and why do they bother them so much? Here are some interesting responses from Ridge teachers, explaining their pet peeves.
Technology Use
Ms. Borchers:
“When students are on their phones during instructional time. I think it is really rude to be on your phone when someone is talking to you (even in a group setting).”
Ms. Buus:
“To continuously tell students appropriate times to use technology because I’ve repeated myself out of patience so. Many. times. And when students have headphones in while someone is trying to speak to them because it’s rude to the person speaking.”
Mr. Kullos:
“Cell phones because kids need to actually interact with their peers face to face for an hour a day.”
Disrupting the Class
Mr. Marcus:
“Students blurting out answers, because it doesn’t allow other students a chance to answer.”
Ms. Eng:
“When students talk over me because it sends me the message that what I am saying is not important and also prevents the rest of the class from hearing.”
Ms. Britton:
“My biggest pet peeve in the classroom is off-task behavior because it distracts from learning.”
Ms. McElroy:
“When students pack up their things before instruction is finished for the day. It really only takes a few seconds to pack up, not several minutes, which is valuable class time.”
Ms. Williams:
“When students are talking when I’m talking because I am at my job, and they are making my job harder than it needs to be.”
Real Doug Evans:
“Students taking while I’m talking or teaching.”
Mr. Devenney:
“Whispering while I am talking because I lose focus and lose my train of thought because I am annoyed.”
Student Character
Mr. Ostrand (Mr. Z):
“People who are not nice to other people because as a teacher, I work very hard to create a classroom where everyone feels able to succeed and safe to fail (knowing they will have the opportunity to learn from that failure and grow because of it), and not nice people just ruin that.”
Ms. Woodruff:
“Lying because it only adds to the ‘wrongdoing’ and instills a lack of trust.”
Ms. Bernard:
“Lack of effort- YOU signed up for this elective class.”
Mr. Racine:
“When I have just finished explaining something and a student asks a question I answered within the last 30 seconds, because it shows that they are not paying attention and just want to be handed the answers.
Mr. Sabel:
“When students pretend to read because it not only upsets the integrity of the class, it tarnishes their own sense of self.”
Ms Hallock:
“My biggest pet peeve in the classroom is when students ask me what they missed when they were absent and everything is in the class calendar.”
Ms. Plogman:
“Unkind people…everyone deserves respect.”
Ms. Bondi:
“When students don’t check my web page for absent work and say, ‘I didn’t know…’ because ‘yeah you did.’”
Mr. Romero:
“When kids are not being attentive. I would like to have tryouts for people who want to learn.
Goofy Responses
Ms. Lopez:
“When the wifi goes out and I can’t sync my music speaker because the I might be forced to sing!”
Ms. Buus:
“Crowding at the door before the bell rings because that’s when problems happen.”
Mr. (Doug) Evans: According to Mr. (Peter) Evans
“When one of my students place something that I need on the top shelf of my bookshelf and I can’t reach it because I am short. When one of my students takes my stress ball from my desk because I am angry all the time and need something to calm me down. When my students tell me that my younger brother is better than me in every way, because I know it’s true.”
Mr. Meyers:
“When students ask me how to say ‘burrito’ in Spanish.”
If you are a student guilty of causing disruption in your teacher’s day, think before you do.