The Success of the Sensory Room

Kelsey Nahodil

Alexis Von Hatten has been improving the sensory room since the last time we spoke with her, in order  to make it even more amazing. She has moved it into a brand new room, with many new accessories, and they are preparing to create a sensory gym.


“I’m excited to see how the students grow and how this continues to change the students’ lives,” Von Hatten stated.


Von Hatten has been working to raise funding for the room. She has also participated in competitions where she placed 1st at State and 4th at Nationals. Von Hatten, and some of the staff at Mountain Ridge, has expanded on the sensory room by getting it on the news, which brought more awareness to the significance of it. They have been working towards expanding the sensory room to a sensory gym instead, with the goal of creating a bigger and better environment.


Von Hatten never expected this to grow this big and become as successful as it has. She was thrilled to see awareness being brought to the sensory room. Von Hattenhas already graduated, but still works almost every single day to help make the room even better for all the students. She also has been able to submit her story to different news organizations and was on channel 15 and stayclassytv.



“ I didn’t expect it to be this successful so it’s been really cool to see all this come together,” Von Hatten stated.


Von Hatten is working towards being able to open her own sensory gym when she is older, in order to help even more people. She is thrilled to see the sensory room expanding, even when she isn’t at the school everyday. She has really been able to connect with some of the students and actually see the sensory room be put to use.


“This experience is something that I will never forget,” Von Hatten states. “I continue to work on this project almost everyday, just to try and make the room better for the kids to meet their needs. I would love to open my own sensory gym facility one day.”


We are hopeful that the sensory gym will be created soon, for an even better environment for all the students. The sensory room has been a huge hit with all of the kids that use it and Alexis Von Hatten has been able to witness the sensory room in action.