2000s Nostalgia

March 17, 2021
The 2000s were a great time. Some of the weirdest things were made, but they were still amusing to most children. Looking back on said things provides lots of nostalgia, so let’s take a look into some of them.
Spongebob Popsicles
Words cannot describe how much I adore this popsicle. Even though it looked horrendous 98.4% of the time, it has something charming about it. This frozen treat is one of the first things I think of when reminiscing on the past just because of how funny it is.
Gym Scooters
Kids should not have been trusted with gym scooters. They were always extremely fun until you ran over your finger or crashed into someone else. They brought tons of pain and chaos into the gym, especially with the weird games you would use them for.
Silly Bandz
Kids would avidly collect silly bandz, and they would flaunt them all day every day. Starting a massive collection of them was the goal of most kids, but I don’t think I got too far unfortunately. Even if you didn’t have many, there was always that one silly band that you would protect with your life.
Nintendo DS
This handheld console was one of the most important things to me as a kid. I would spend hours playing games and just messing around with some of its features. Tryharding in Mario Kart was my specialty, even if I fell off the course thousands of times. Even though it doesn’t seem that cool now, it was beyond fun to play on as a kid.
Razor Scooters
Razor scooters were all fun and games until you inevitably hit your ankle. The pain you feel from that is indescribable. Besides that, they were the best form of transportation a kid could ever want back then.
This show is an embodiment of the 2000s and has played such a large role in the childhoods of many. The good times were when you could binge watch iCarly every day as if it were some sort of ritual. Apparently it’s getting a reboot, but that may never surpass the earlier episodes.
Cha Cha Slide
“Slide to the left, slide to the right. Criss cross! Criss cross!” I know these lyrics and moves like the back of my hand, especially after my elementary school forced me to do this dance every Friday. I would hope that you all know it too, I mean come on this song was peak 2000s.
That One Cool S
Do I even need to describe what this ‘S’ is? People would draw it on their papers, the desks, and even the bathroom stalls. No matter where you went, this ‘S’ would follow you and torment your mind.
Cool Math Games
One of the best feelings was finishing a test and hopping right on to Cool Math Games. Obviously no one played anything educational, we all just played games like Run and Papa’s Pizzeria.
Sticky Hands
Kids would slap this thing on every possible surface they could find. The wall, the desk, their parents, and much more would suffer from the wrath of this cruel, cruel toy. Well, until it got stuck on the ceiling.
Pillow Pets
This was one of the most genius inventions back in the day if I do say so myself. It can turn from a pillow… into a stuffed animal. Isn’t that just so revolutionary? Jokes aside, I miss my penguin pillow pet.
All is good until the Furby becomes self aware. But seriously, these things were pretty scary. Just seeing them in the distance, watching, can send chills down any person’s spine. These things were either loved or hated, there was no inbetween.
At the end of the day, there were some great things we had during the 2000s. It’s a shame some kids may never be able to experience the beauty of all these things, but they will stay alive in our memory as we progress further into the 2020s.