PSAT Registration Recommendation

August 26, 2021
Attention all Juniors on campus! An amazing chance to jump into the preliminary college preparation is being made available here on campus. Thanks to our awesome faculty and staff the PSAT will be given at Mountain Ridge.
The PSAT (Preliminary SAT) is a great chance for students here on campus that are considering continuing their academic careers in college.Â
The test also is known as the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test, meaning there is a chance to earn scholarship opportunities for the next level of schooling. By February, about 15,000 Semifinalists are informed that they have advanced to the standing of Finalist.Â
The Scholarship opportunities may consist of the National Merit® $2,500 Scholarships, where every finalist competes for the single-payment scholarship, and the Corporate-Sponsored Merit Scholarship Awards, where corporate sponsors designate their awards for children of their employees or members for residents of a community where a company has operations. The College-Sponsored Merit Scholarship Awards select winners of their awards from finalists who have been accepted for admission have informed NMSC by the published deadlines that the sponsor college or university is their first choice.Â
Additionally to the scholarship chances for excelling individuals, this is a recommended test for the chance to receive direct feedback about strengths and weaknesses. The PSAT/NMSQT measures the skills of writing, critical reading, and math problem-solving.Â
The PSAT’s online exam registration will commence on Thursday, August 12th 2021. It will open at 6:00am and closes on Monday, September 13th at 11:59pm. Registration is on a first come, first serve basis so students should channel a sense of urgency to reserve a place as early as possible to ensure their spot.Â
Registering can be found on the Mountain Ridge Website under the counseling tab ( and only costs $25.00 which must be paid online with registration.Â
The PSAT’s Exam Day is on Saturday, October 16th, 2021 on Mountain Ridge’s campus. If you make the early trek on this October Weekend, check-in will begin at 7:30am and the exam starts at 8:00am.Â
Students will need to have a form of identification with them, whether it be their school issued ID or license, either will suffice, a calculator, and pencils (specifically #2 style, NOT mechanical).Â
Mountain Ridge urges you to take advantage of this test in order to assess where your lack of skill falls, the chance of entering the National Merit Scholar Scholarships (11th graders), and to allow the opportunity for growth to occur prior to the key SAT test come spring. If you have any questions or concerns about taking or registering for the PSAT, please contact Ms. Dyal at [email protected].Â
You got this Ridge, take this PSAT as a chance to flaunt your academic depths to the world and so you can soar above this preliminary test.