Homecoming: Behind the Scenes

Ava Padelford, Co-Editor

There was a lot of thought put into this year’s Homecoming and so much work put into it from StuGo and Mr.Evans. Many times we forget how much time and effort is truly put into this event. 

COVID has taken a huge toll on the process and has given many different obstacles. Some of the challenges include trying to get people to respond to emails and turn in different things to finalize the planning. For example, the assembly and the dance had to be held outside. Mr. Evans also shared that it was difficult to find fencing to rent to put up around the dance to enclose the area. 

The district required different protocols due to covid rules and safety. Evans had to coordinate everything outside to ensure the rules were being followed and to prevent the spread of anything.

Evans stated that they had “to have assembly outside and for the dance, moving the dancing to outside at the Civic Center and trying to find fencing to rent to enclose the area.”

The StuGo usually begins planning Homecoming during the summer time and right as the school year starts. They work on all of the wall decorations right after they know the spirit days for the week. It takes multiple hours to put up the decorations and Mr. Evans and the StuGo group spend a good amount of time making sure everything is perfect. The group also spends weeks creating decorations for the parade float. The school’s dance committee helped find a DJ, they designed the tickets and the theme for the dance.

Evans had to get a permit in order to have the dance outside, which wasn’t a super difficult process considering the Civic Center is owned by the city. He also mentioned that the Civic Center was accommodating for our school. 

“I am sure they didn’t want to lose our business again since we didn’t do it last year,” he said. 

Homecoming 2021 was an amazing experience for many students and it wouldn’t have been possible without the hard work of Mr.Evans, StuGo and other groups who helped pull it off.