Ways Students Spend Spring Breaks

March 11, 2022
Almost there! Spring break is just around the corner and students could not be more excited for the much deserved week of rest. The school year is in its final stretch, and spring break is truly the last moment of rest before summer break is allotted to all. With this special break, students take on different postures when given time off, all of which is a method of fun. The diversity of this year’s spring break can be found in great variety so if you need any ideas on how to enjoy the week of March 13-19th you have come to the right place.
- Sleeping Beauty: Alarms are nowhere to be found. The cacophonic ring that tears you away from the conforming hug of your pillow and the sweet dreams you held, are a thing of the past for this type of person. With absolutely nothing that is required of them, their bed is their only made plan for the week. Much needed rest for recharging is a good idea, as sleep schedules start to lack in finals season. As the home stretch for school comes into view, this person will not be the one with bags under their eyes as a majority of their upcoming break will be in blissful rest.
- “Anywhere But Here:” This type of person is the one who’s whole goal of free time is to get out of Arizona. Despite beautiful spring weather here, this person is on the first plan that can relocate them elsewhere. Whether it be the beach, mountains, East, or West, vacations are well spent during this week of no school. A good idea as travel is likely impossible until summer, so in retrospect, this type of spring breaker is getting a joyous vacation before the school year ends.
- Study Hall: This is the type of person you have to feel for. They are the ones who have no idea how to spend their free time away from the classroom. Scary tests and unfinished assignments loom around the corner for these students, but they are proactive and studious. Likely studying for an SAT or ACT exam, prepping for upcoming finals, or reviewing year long material for AP Tests at the end of spring semester, this person has got their work cut out for them. Why do they choose the one week of rest until the end of the year doing more work? We may never know, but you have to tip your hat to the hard working, borderline crazy, people willing to commit to this during the break.
- Workaholic: This person realizes that the free week of time is perfect for making some extra cash. They are dedicated and willing to spend their free time in a productive posture, rather than wasting the time away relaxing. They might be saving up for their next big purchase or just like having some cash to spend so you can find them working the week away. They can’t get enough of their work and found this week as the best avenue for freetime and once they got the week off, immediately gave their boss the green light for scheduling them all day, everyday. This is the type of person you know has some money so this is definitely the person to go out to lunch with this upcoming week and conveniently forget your wallet at home.
- The Binge Watcher: This is likely to be the person I will be identified as over this next week. Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, Apple TV, and HBO Max will be my best friends as I waste my brain away in its free time. Having been using my brain for all of the school year, this one week will be freedom and a first taste for summer as my brain simply can relax and be entertained by shows and movies. These types of people will lay in bed, stock up on snacks and find new shows that they will finish that same day. They may not get much done, but they will be well updated on the hottest TV shows and pop culture that will undoubtedly lead to a fun week for all who choose to spend Spring Break this way.
In whichever way you feel called to spend your Spring Break, any of these above ways will surely lead to a sort of enjoyment to oneself in their freetime. The year is so very close to its conclusion, and Spring Break is the perfect taste of what is to later come. With this in mind, spend your spring break productive in pursuit of finishing strong or oppositely, in full sloth mode, this Break is a reward for the hard work students have dedicated to the 2021-2022 school year. Either way, you will have the best time and a calm before the storm and the chaos the end of the year will reap. Enjoy your Spring Break, as we are so close to summer, and this is the perfect opportunity to practice how your summer will go!