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The Ridge Review

The Student News Site of Mountain Ridge High School | Glendale, Arizona

The Student News Site of Mountain Ridge High School | Glendale, Arizona

The Ridge Review

The Student News Site of Mountain Ridge High School | Glendale, Arizona

The Ridge Review

About Us!

Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year, Mountain Lions! This year, The Ridge Review is led by our Co-Editors-in-Chief,  Molly Bomar and Ava Padelford respectively. As of 2022, we’ve expanded our team to include not only writers and editors, but also those individually responsible for every aspect of managing our paper.


The Ridge Review is a student-ran, non-profit publication that is organized by Mountain Ridge High School. The paper is solely extant in an online format; it is available to the general public, and is both sporadically and periodically updated. The Ridge Review is partnered with CTE/SkillsUSA, though is an otherwise independent publication. The Ridge Review is managed by a constantly evolving student staff-body; our writers, managers and photographers are extremely passionate, creative and open-minded individuals. Our paper maintains its rivalry with Sandra Day O’Connor’s publication, The Talon.



Some of Our 2021-2022 Staff


Our Story

The Ridge Review has basically been a part of Mountain Ridge High School since it’s founding, yet a lot has changed since then (It’s been around since 1995). Our paper was once comprised of a comparatively large news team and was more like a club than two strict CTE courses (and in a sense our team is still considered to be a club to this day). Originally, we published monthly volumes which took a lot of time and were in every classroom for Ridge students to enjoy; this is a lot like how Sandra Day O’Connor’s team still operates. This was costly, however, and with time our readership dwindled, leading to our funding for a material handout being cut. From that point on we switched over to a much more cost-effective online format and have maintained a small but loyal readership ever since. Our Advisor Mr. Adam Korman has been along for (almost) the whole ride and continues to support us and The Ridge Review to this day.

Our Primordial Logo

We definitely had a slow start, with it taking a few years for us to get going. Our website is based on SNO’s WordPress web-builder program and it has served us nicely, with our foundation being an incredibly small news team with primary contributions from three ladies named Kate, Laya and Emma. After taking said years to expand, with us now maintaining multiple social media accounts and connections with other high school news teams, we are where we are today with a large team of passionate writers.

And that’s where our story ends…or does it? We hope to continue expanding our paper for years to come with increasingly dedicated writers. But for the mean time, feel free to enjoy all of the content that we’ve worked tirelessly to bring to you and remember to keep yourself updated with our antics.


Join Our Team!

Are you interested in working with The Ridge Review? If so, you can definitely contact any of our current staff (including our CTE Advisor) if you’d like more info on joining our team. If you would like to make a formal submission in order to join the class, please fill out the Google Form below!

Though don’t worry, if you’re not fully committed there’s still a way to help out and get your work published.

Do you have any juicy Ridge/DVUSD stories you know about that you want to get out there to the public across multiple platforms? Do you enjoy creative writing, or have any anything in your day to day life you’d like to express? A cool local restaurant or music venue you’re into? All of the above? Please share with us! Email a PDF of your article to any of the emails listed below, or any of the emails found on our individual staff sites (preferably the Editor in Chief or CTE Advisor). We’ll be sure to get back to you as soon as possible and discuss the publishing of your article.

Almost anything is fair game for publishing on The Ridge Review. If your work is strictly in relation to school news, try to make sure that it follows some of the basic principles of journalism. If your work is separate from school news, controversial topics are accepted. Nevertheless, please make sure the contents of the article and any extra attached materials aren’t blatantly offensive, nor against school and legal standards.

We want you to join our Newspaper! Join today!
Comment Guidelines

On each of our story/media pages, you’ll see a section available for comments. After entering an email and name, you will have the ability to post whatever you’d like in response to the story. Each comment is manually monitored and thus has to be accepted for posting on an individual basis, which will be done as soon as possible if the comment is appropriate.

Basic Guidelines:

  • No written comment may direct criticism or hateful words towards the writer/artist of the particular article/piece of media published. The sole exception is if the particular comment is intended to address a factually flawed or inadequate aspect of the particular article or media.
  • No generally hateful, racist or violent comments are accepted on the website.
  • No matter the general contents of the message posted, any comment that contains a curse-word/swear or slur (Racial or otherwise) will not be accepted.
  • Any comments that contain potentially legal-breaching contents will have the individual poster’s email recorded and investigated appropriately.

Anything else is fair game for posting, so keep it cheery!


Contact Us!
[email protected] (Here’s our Email!)
[email protected] (Our Co-Editor in chief’s, Molly Bomar’s Email)
[email protected] (Our Co-Editor in chief’s, Ava Padelford’s Email)
[email protected] (Our Adviser, Adam Korman’s Email) (Our School’s Website)
Or, contact us through our Instagram at (
As of right now, we do not advertise on our school newspaper, however if you would like to show off your club or any local community service efforts, please contact us and we will give you representation for free!
NOTICE: Particular aspects and features of The Ridge Review (e.g. The Ridge Roar Podcast, our Instagram display,) may not function on a school-issued piece of technology or WIFI network depending on any implemented web-filters.