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The Ridge Review

The Student News Site of Mountain Ridge High School | Glendale, Arizona

The Student News Site of Mountain Ridge High School | Glendale, Arizona

The Ridge Review

The Student News Site of Mountain Ridge High School | Glendale, Arizona

The Ridge Review


Do You Want to Know What We Think? No? Then Go Away! If You Do, Stay Here For the Most Passionately Written Stories of All

The Value of a Sticker

The Value of a Sticker

Aileen Resendiz May 22, 2019

Last week, I scored a 20/20 on a quiz, but the score wasn’t what caught my attention on my paper. Instead, I was immediately drawn to the sticker that came with it. It was the little fox in the circular sticker that made me realize I don’t really...

What I Learned From Being In a Wheelchair

What I Learned From Being In a Wheelchair

Aileen Resendiz March 29, 2019

2019 was supposed to be my year. I was going to up my style, I was going to start dancing again, and I was going to try to be healthier. I went into 2019 with the mindset that this year had to be the year where I worked solely on self-improvement....

The Issues That Still Stand

The Issues That Still Stand

Emma Padelford March 7, 2019

“Remember when some state lawmakers ran for re-election, promising to be a "champion" for education? Ancient history. That was so... three months ago. Now that the legislature's in full swing, it's payback time. Time to make a teacher's job more difficult...

I Gave Up Social Media For A Week

I Gave Up Social Media For A Week

Anna Goode March 7, 2019

Let me just start out by saying that this was very difficult for me, for some reason. I never would’ve thought I would be the teen who was addicted to their phone and social media, but I was wrong. While offline I felt like I was missing something really...

The Reasoning Behind Our Nightmares About School

The Reasoning Behind Our Nightmares About School

Jenna Boden February 26, 2019

We’ve all had nightmares about school; the showing up to school in your underwear, taking a test and running out of time, or taking a test and not remembering anything you had studied so hard for. And then there’s the classic can’t get to class...

Five Words We Should Understand in 2019

Five Words We Should Understand in 2019

Laya Reddy February 21, 2019

In 2019, we should make it a goal to be more aware of the diversity surrounding us. In order to achieve that goal, there are five important words that we need to understand first.   Feminism Feminism is not woman>man. It’s woman=man....

On Attending a Majority White School

On Attending a Majority White School

Aileen Resendiz February 21, 2019

Feeling different is something that almost everybody feels in their life and most of the time, it passes over as people age and discover who they are. Although I’m only 15, I’ve come to terms with who I am as a person and feeling different when it...

Leave It In 2018

Leave It In 2018

Hezekiah Haynes January 31, 2019

We woke up to a new year, new life, and we officially have arrived in 2019. With that arrival, we must also dispose of the bad habits that we have and leave it in 2018. This will lead to a wonderful year filled with new things and new people that come...

An Improved System

An Improved System

Emma Padelford January 30, 2019

From early childhood to adulthood, the average student will spend roughly 13 years in school, not including college education. This includes 8 years of getting their primary education, then another 4 years getting their secondary. While in school, students...

Politics: Why We Have To Stay Hopeful

Politics: Why We Have To Stay Hopeful

Laya Reddy January 30, 2019

Politics. The word conjures up a wide array of feelings: passion, fear, excitement. As much as people try to distance themselves from it, they can never escape. We are all affected by the decisions made by politicians in the government, whether it’s...

Why Joking About Mental Health Can Be Problematic

Why Joking About Mental Health Can Be Problematic

Kate Ourada and Laya Reddy January 18, 2019

Over the last decade, mental health has become a less taboo topic for our generation to discuss, but that change in attitude has invited insensitive jokes and comments made at the expense of those who really struggle with it. These remarks, though they...

Santa Claus: Truth Exposed

Santa Claus: Truth Exposed

Aileen Resendiz December 19, 2018

Think back to when you were younger, and when you began to question Santa’s existence. Maybe it was a sudden realization, maybe your older brothers and sisters or friends told you, or maybe you never believed in him to begin with. Almost everybody...