In this section of The Ridge Review you can find extra locally-relevant information that is collected by and distributed to students here at Ridge and in the Glendale/Peoria/Phoenix area. This page is constantly being updated, and is generally set to include locally-available job opportunities as well as various things to look out for in the area.
Available Jobs
Well, we don’t have anything here right now…the economy must be rough (or really good)
Lost Friends
Sometimes our friends and family get lost and we need some help to find them, in this section we include missing person and animal fliers/information. Simply download the photo and contact the individual in need if you have any information.
Mountain Ridge High School3Liberty9Mar 21 / Baseball - Varsity
Mountain Ridge High School8Westwood6Mar 20 / Baseball - Varsity
Mountain Ridge High School6Millennium7Mar 18 / Baseball - Varsity
Mountain Ridge High School2Casteel16Mar 17 / Baseball - Varsity
Mountain Ridge High School9Youngker0Mar 11 / Tennis - Boy's Varsity
Mountain Ridge High School9Youngker0Mar 11 / Tennis - Girl's Varsity
Mountain Ridge High School3Gila Ridge0Mar 11 / Softball - Varsity
Mountain Ridge High School3Marana0Mar 11 / Volleyball - Boy's Varsity
Mountain Ridge High School4Corona Del Sol5Mar 6 / Baseball - FR/SO
Mountain Ridge High School0Hamilton9Mar 5 / Tennis - Boy's Varsity

This poll has ended.
What are you doing over winter break?
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