12 Fun Facts That’ll Help You With Your SAT/ACT

  1. The PSAT is the practice test that is taken by juniors or sophomores in order to prepare for the SAT. The PSAT was taken on campus this last Saturday. A preparatory class is offered annually by Mrs. Borchers and Mr. Tutt. The class was offered for two weekends, with the following test taking place on campus; study books were offered along with the class.
  2. Neither of the tests are required for high school graduation, but they’re necessary for university acceptance (not community college), and they are used for many scholarships.
  3. The tests give an early prediction of how prepared students are for college, as in it gives general feedback on their strengths and weaknesses.
  4. Though these tests are normally taken by juniors and seniors, they’re occasionally available to sophomores. Students are able to take them as many times as they please before the established deadline.
  5. The SAT contains a Math portion (2 sections, one allowing a calculator and one not) and a dedicated section for Reading and Writing.
  6. The ACT broadly covers English, Math, Science, Reading, and Writing.
  7. Both tests offer an optional essay portion with an extended timeframe.
  8. The SAT stands for “Scholastic Aptitude Test.”
  9. ACT stands for “American College Test.”
  10. It is recommended that you take both to boost your chances of acceptance and scholarship opportunities.
  11. To prepare for these tests there are multiple informative websites you can visit. You can also order a question book off of Amazon; Khan Academy is partnered with College Board, and is readily available for easy test prep.
  12. The ACT will be offered to all juniors for free this year on a school day in March; occasionally Ridge hosts the testing sessions.