Losing a Lust for Life
It’s probably fair to say that in youth, most of us were some semblance of an ignorant ball of happiness. Carefree and sensitive; some of the best aspects of ourselves having culminated into a droplet of sunlight. Of course while some of us were even more shy and brooding when we were younger as opposed to now, we all have aspects of innocence long departed.
Yet, with aching backs and stiff gestures, it seems as though we’ve all grown a bit weary and a bit broken in by all that life has thrown our way. We retain most of the same mannerisms, often times we look pretty similar as well; it’s our smiles that haven’t stood the test of time.
The luckier among us might’ve had the chance to visit distant woodlands, bright beaches and other similar natural beauties. Disneyland, summer camp, they’re different ballparks but the same game; wondrous opportunities to actually enjoy life and take the time to experience a fulfilling childhood. As of now though I can only say that the once imposing Disney Castle, alongside other memories, are now bathing in rose-coloured waters. Everything seems to have gotten smaller, and sadder; many of us are burdened with an inescapable apathy. The question is, then, what’s kept our former selves bound and deprived of expression?
For context I myself was never much of a spring flower when it came to my childhood, as I was usually a loner that only concerned myself with video games and the small expanse of woodlands which surrounded my school in Michigan. With the arrival of November skies, however, grey and murky as they tend to be, I’ve started to ponder on the topic at hand.
A likely combination of multiple factors have contributed to this predicament, if one would even consider it to be so. With school, work and any extracurricular activities, it becomes impossible to retain a life devoid of responsibility. It all stacks up more and more as we get older, leaving a deeper and deeper imprint on our own nature, one that’s usually permanent.
Things have changed; there’s a lot more of life, but it brings us to a point of quantity over quality. Our homework gets harder, and there’s a lot more of it. Some of us work really long hours, and play a demanding sport or instrument after school. I’m not willing to dwell on time management issues, however, instead I’d like to uncover the bigger picture. That being, all of these things end up affecting us on a deeply personal level as mentioned previously; the pressure and stress of it all leaves merely a few brief moments of beautiful respite.
For some, being continuously pressured leads to a life lived with volatility; any separate external jab, no matter how potent, might break some teens down completely, or perhaps leave them deeply scarred.
At the same time, these metaphorical “jabs”, any discernible conflict one might have to face in life, end up hardening us. We often toss a cold shoulder towards most of what comes our way, be it intentionally or otherwise. I’d say that many of us have become blunt, perhaps inverted in character. In other words, we’re more sensitive towards things that we once never concerned ourselves with; our priorities and interests specifically have seen a drastic shift.
We drift, caring less about the simple niceties of life and more about the fray which we must traverse every day. We’re troubled by our potential for disaster, and so we make no attempt to stop and smell the roses.
Speaking outside of riddles sounds appropriate right about now, and I can concisely say that there is, most probably, an immediate solution to this problem.
To take a minute, maybe just a mere moment, out of your day to value your surroundings. To appreciate a warm drink, or absorb a shrouded beam of sunlight; to accept the good things that’ve been given to you and to acknowledge all that you’ve worked for. In truth, it’s definitely a lot to ask, but it must be done as the previously mentioned moments of “respite” are what remind us of what to be excited and grateful for.
Our lust for life, so to speak, is something that we’ll never lose. It’s made dull, and buried under a plethora of problems, yet deep in our hearts we still hold onto our childhood vigor. We’re changing with the times, growing into adults at a rapid rate, and with that process comes a pseudo-sacrifice of values we held closer in the past; they might not be apparent on the surface level but they’re still apart of us.
In the end it all comes down to you. You can find little glimmers of excitement and happiness which aren’t clouded by nostalgia, all you need to know is where to look.

Aden Schulze-Miller is a senior and it's his third year working for The Ridge Review; he's our Editor in Chief. He enjoys watching movies, writing short stories, and is ready to help foster a...