Active Minds Art Contest Winners


1st Place: Tiana Do

Prize: $25 Amazon Gift Card

“Mental health is very important to me because I struggle with feelings of depression and anxiety. I wanted to capture those feelings in my art piece because they can leave my mind in a chaotic mess, that’s why I chose to tear up book pages for the background to represent that chaos. They can also leave me feeling lost, so I decided to paint a lonely face that’s faded away. This piece is very personal to me because it represents my mental health and even though it looks gloomy, I added a lot of colors to represent my hopes for the future.”

2nd Place: “Mind Garden” by Gigi Zamarron

Prize: $15 Starbucks Gift Card

“Just like a garden that needs care, we must care for ourselves.”

Go check out this poster in upstairs E.


3rd Place: “Someone New” by Hope Carney

Prize: $10 Starbucks Gift Card

“The concept shown in this drawing is the inconsistency of one’s emotional state. This is represented by the bird in relation to the arm and if it could possibly be landing, flying away, or a combination of the two. Since the bird can have several different meanings to the viewer, whether it be a feeling, opportunity, person, etc., that is affecting them, this piece is up to interpretation.”