The Band Competition

The band has had an amazing season this school year. They won first place at a state competition this fall, and the momentum doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon. They just recently had the AMEA Solo & Ensemble Festival, with Regional auditions happening a week later, and both went incredibly well!


MRHS hosted the AMEA Solo & Ensemble Festival on January 18, and the results were great. AMEA is a competition where band and orchestra students play in small groups or alone and are given a rating based on their performance. The possible ratings are: Superior, Excellent, Good, and Fair. Students are scored on a 100 point scale, and scoring 90 or above will get you into the Superior category. Out of the 150 Ridge students that competed, 23 of them earned a Superior rating. This is more than any other high school in the state, and over two times the amount any other high school earned!


Plus, the MRHS Band recently hosted regional auditions. These auditions are for Honor Band, and students from multiple schools around the area compete for a chair in the band. Similar to their 23 Superior ratings, Ridge students also had the most entries into Honor Band. Thanks to their hard work and dedication, around 40 people made it in, including 8 freshmen. This is the best that Mountain Ridge has ever done!


So, the Mountain Ridge band has certainly kept up their positive drive since winning first at state. Both events went, as they had better results than any other school for AMEA and broke a personal record with Regional auditions. Congratulations band!