Spend Like A Spaniard (Or the French)
“The Bilingual Food Truck Affair Was a Total Success.”
Having been inspired by neighboring schools in the district, Ridge held its first annual Foreign Language Food Truck Festival yesterday over the course of the entire school day.
The foreign language teachers here at Ridge looked to the idea due to it being a popular tradition in nearby schools. The whole thing was very experimental, with only a few activities set up and three or four trucks with similar food choices; even so, it was a major success and praised by many members of Ridge’s students and staff.

Students from every foreign language class were released to the football field in order to participate in the event, alongside their teachers. In coordination with Hillcrest Middle, Mrs. Marcus’s classes (8th graders) were also sent out to practice their Spanish alongside older Ridge alumni.
Students were required to order in Spanish or French (depending on the truck they went to), receiving pretty tasty goods from each truck in exchange (I got a pretty tasty empanada from EJ’s Kitchen, as well as the inappropriate choice of a 2:05 hot chocolate from Queso Good.)

For the students that didn’t care to order actually order food (or simply didn’t have the money on hand), there were still chances to earn credit through dialogue exchanges and games with some of the older 7-8 AP Spanish students and advanced French students.
Spanish 7-8 AP teacher Mr. Klein made a few remarks on the outcome of the festival.
“[The festival] gave students a real world opportunity to explore and use [their] language,” Klein said, also noting that he was “really proud of students who participated.”

Coming from Klein himself, the event “was a very big success,” and frankly, having attended the festival myself from Gabow’s 5-6 Honors class, I can definitely say the same.
Hopefully the Foreign Language Food Truck event becomes an annual tradition, much like the incredibly experimental Homecoming parade earlier this year. Either way, It’s safe to say that it was a blast for pretty much all who attended.

Aden Schulze-Miller is a senior and it's his third year working for The Ridge Review; he's our Editor in Chief. He enjoys watching movies, writing short stories, and is ready to help foster a...