Fall Book Recommendations 2021


Molly Bomar, Co-editor

I am well-aware, and quite frankly very familiar, with the busy schedules of teens, pressing through homework and studying, extracurricular activities, and sports just to have a smidge of free time to sleep and eat. However, carving out quiet time devoted to personal growth is extremely important as our minds are expanding and improving. As cooler weather approaches, try to sit down with a steaming cup of apple cider and one of these books, snuggling up under a soft blanket. 


A Tree Grows in Brooklyn


This book focuses on young Francie Nolan and her family in the slums of New York City. During 1942, the Nolans faced the reality of brokenness and hardships due to unemployment. Francie’s perspective opens the reader’s eyes to the struggles and dreams grasped in moments of desperation.


Despite a few slow chapters, this book highlights the importance of familial strength and realistic everyday struggles in the life in the early 20th century. Beautifully written with artistic eloquence and fantastic imagery, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is a must read. 


The Goldfinch


A super moody and dark novel, The Goldfinch tells the enthralling story of Theo Decker and his involvement in the dangerous criminal world after an explosion kills his mother. The detailed scenery transports the reader into New York City in the fall and casts interesting concepts of loyalty and trauma.


This book is the perfect read for the cozy, autumn season this year! It’s a longer novel of 784 pages, so cozy up by a fire and ready for a captivating read!


The Outsiders


A classic and prior mandatory read in middle school has recently been overshadowed by newer and flashier titles. Despite these disqualifications, The Outsiders is an essential coming-of-age story. 


Ponyboy Curtis lives with his older brothers in the 1960’s, constantly facing trouble and mischief in their small town. Against the rivaling group known as ‘the Socs’, Ponyboy and his gang of ‘Greasers’ face off in a rumble that turns sour and into a murder investigtion. 


This novel explores the thin line between right and wrong, good and evil in society, and the vast community within brotherhood. 


These books intrigued my senses, pulling me out of a dull summer and into a warm and relaxed fall.Â