Finale to 2021’s New Years Resolutions

December 10, 2021
The final stretch of 2021 is upon us. December only has 3 weeks left to offer us a chance to get stuff done. Remember those resolutions you had high hopes for when 2021 began? The promises we made in the betterment of ourselves in January 2021 may not have found fruition these 12 months later. January-November may have been slightly wasted if your resolutions remain unchecked on your to-do list, but this article will offer a few ways to change the fate of December and hopefully 2021’s resolutions overall.
The classic resolutions always are presented in lofty expectation, yet never actually come to anything. Whether it be the fault of how busy the year gets after the Holiday Break where these goals are set or due to lack of prioritization, these resolutions have fallen through.
A way to try and be better this month in debt to saving 2021’s goals is to start in small ways. The one most people probably wrote down was to try a new hobby. This usually prevails for the first two weeks of January before we fizzle back into our old ways. That new hobby of baking or painting is now a mere memory as the year nears its end, but if you are serious about resolving 2021, you will pick up where you left off. Break out the paint brushes and mixing bowls because you got some catching up to do this holiday season. Bake Christmas cookies everyday or craft Santa an art collection to take back home after he visits, there are still avenues to navigate in order for you to have a new hobby to rock into 2022.
Another resolution disregarded by now was cleaning up your diet. If this ambitious statement has never worked for you, you can put it into practice this month. Whether it be eating all your veggies at lunch or making sure you eat all three meals of the day, there are applicable strategies for you to be happy to check this off the to-do list.
Spending some quality time with your friends and family may not have been possible in the earlier months. Now that the holiday season is upon us, family and friend time seem to be all you get. Through ugly sweater parties, looking at Christmas lights, getting hot chocolate, or watching holiday flicks there are always ways to find your community and remind them how much you value them. If you missed this earlier in the year, what better time and season to practice this than now.
Finally, though the holiday season and end of the year is right around the corner, the speed bump of finals stands in the way. This means that goals such as getting your grades up or boosting your GPA are attainable. You could have been coasting through your classes earlier in the year, but it can now be time to buckle down and get through these tests. Get some studying in and be ready come the 16th and 17th of December so you can triumphantly prevail in your classes and get to end the semester and year with the final check off on your 2021 resolutions.
You may have had 11 months before December to complete your 2021 New Year’s Resolutions and maybe didn’t find much success. But, the ways listed above with the time still awaiting you can mean your 2021 was full of more self accomplishments than 2020, giving you some extra joy in the end of the year holiday season!