FOMO: The Fear of Missing Out This Spring Break


Remi McKim, Journalist

Spring Break is right around the corner: a time to spend happily at home after a long quarter of school. In my opinion, the third quarter is the worst time of the school year. Not quite the thriller of starting a new semester like at the beginning of the school year, but also not as invigorating after Thanksgiving break where the promise of winter break is around the corner, and most definitely not as similar to the excitement that fourth quarter holds before summer break. 

With the break looming, you want to jump to make plans with friends before thinking through how you want to spend your break.  During school, schedules fill up at the blink of an eye, especially when you take school work into account. Weekends go quickly, as friends quickly try to make plans to see those they do not during the regular school days. Break presents the opportune time to overschedule yourself, but it is important to keep in mind your physical and mental health.

A break is supposed to be exactly what it is: a break. A getaway from the normal activities that people do. It is not beneficial if you are exhausted through your break by over scheduling yourself, then go back to school where work bombards you. 

However, there is a fear that lurks, stopping you from truly thinking through all your plans…that is the fear of missing out, or FOMO.

The idea lingers that, if you do not go to this event, this party, this get-together, you will be missing out on something. That the next time you and your friends hang out there will be a barrier—an inside joke that doesn’t include you, a reference to something you don’t understand. 

Social media only perpetuates this, as it almost feels stuffed into your face once people spam posts about a certain event. You can see the people you know, friends even, hanging out without you and doing interesting things, taking cool vacations during their time off. It is so easy to get swept up into what is happening in other people’s lives and compare it to yourself, even with the knowledge that social media is not an accurate representation of someone’s life. 

It is not okay to compromise your health for an event that can be rescheduled. Prioritize yourself over this break. Take this block of free time to do just that: have free time and enjoy the break.