Ridge Army Supports First Game


Photo by Ava Stojanovski

Molly Bomar, Editor in Chief

Last Friday night kicked off the Ridge Army the student section, lined with the iconic BLACKOUT OR BACKOUT sign. The loss against Casteel 54-28 did not deter Ridge Army President Kaylee Myers from pumping the students up. Blasting music like “Time of our Lives” by Pitbull and “Sweet Caroline” by Neil Diamond and leading the ever favorite “D-Fence” chant. 


I think the first game of the season always has a great turnout but I think this was definitely bigger than last year’s first game,” Myers said. 


Myers hopes to improve the positivity in the student section despite the reputation of rowdiness. Even last friday night had a hint of disorder as some water bottles were thrown around and at the parents. 


Quincy Wood, the Ridge Army Public Relations officer, cheered on the student body’s resilience in the rain and despite a losing score and hectic crowd. 


“The first game was super hype,” Wood said. “I really enjoy bringing that excitement online and watching students have fun during the game!”


The @RidgeArmy Instagram account has blown up since Friday with over 1,500 followers and numerous messages about student section ideas and photos from the roaring crowd.


Join Ridge Army next Friday as varsity kicks off against Hamilton at home at 7pm.