Should the District Get to Choose What Students Eat?


Cecilia Chepkoech

High school students are in an inevitable moment of their life in which they are not adults, but they are not children either. They are treated like children, but expected to behave like an adult, a continuous back and forth tug of war.

This same concept can be seen in the topic of whether or not high school students should be allowed to make their own food choices. With great reasoning behind it, high school students should have the freedom to decide on what they should or shouldn’t eat.

Teenagers are perceived as careless and reckless at decision making by adults. This drives the insane idea to strip a choice that should be in the hands of the one that gets affected by it away for the sake of safety.

Adults are convinced that student’s behaviors and minor risks of ingesting mere calories will lead them into the future blinded to what is good for their systems or not. In reality, they should be able to trust that high school students are aware of the consequences.

In a society blinded by how many likes and followers they receive, students are obsessed with image and being looked upon and branded by their peers as good looking. This fact alone drives them to eat healthy or think before putting something in their system. The thought that they would be reckless if they had the pick what they can eat is absurd.

The reasoning to the idea takes away a teenager’s freedom on what they eat is it’s simply dictating their lives. Most high school students are not for the idea of their freedom of choice being stripped away. As students,  they don’t have the freedom to do anything yet without the consent of their parents. What they can eat and what they can’t eat is something they cherish since their opinion on the matter is the most valued.

If students are expected to handle things like an adult they should have the option to exercise their right of choice. With high school students on the near brink of graduating, they are mere years or maybe months before they face the real world. They should have the option to choose what is good for them since they will soon have to without the help of adults.

Their choice of what they eat or don’t may be the right one for them. Of course, after class they crave something to provide them energy for the rest of the day. If that was suddenly revoked and they had nothing to provide them without that extra bounce, they would carry on tired and unmotivated for the rest of the day. They need the extra energy to pass and succeed in school. Taking that away from them is the same as denying them a chance to pass. Trying to balance good grades, social hours, activities and sports and be able to acquire enough sleep is difficult. Students need the little freedom to choose on what will help them acquire the dose of energy they need to complete the day.

Though the decision to decide what a high school student can or can’t eat may be coming from a concerned parent or adult, it has many downfalls as proven. High school students do not want to be limited. They want the freedom of choice, to do what they think is right for them. Soon they will be facing the “real world” and that world will not tell them what they can or can’t eat. This being so, high schoolers should be allowed to choose what they want or don’t want to eat.