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The Ridge Review

The Student News Site of Mountain Ridge High School | Glendale, Arizona

The Student News Site of Mountain Ridge High School | Glendale, Arizona

The Ridge Review

The Student News Site of Mountain Ridge High School | Glendale, Arizona

The Ridge Review


Do You Want to Learn Something About Yourself? Our Staff? Both? Here’s Our Section With Something Interesting For Everybody

Finals Prep

Finals Prep

Makayla Bast, Journalist December 6, 2021

As we near winter break, and the semester’s finale, the inevitable struggle of final exams makes its yearly deployment. Though this year “finals” will not actually hold the weight of 20% on your grade, the stress of having a test in every class...

The Ethics of Being a Billionaire

The Ethics of Being a Billionaire

Caitlin Bailey, Journalist December 3, 2021

Billionaires are not only unethical, but they are also insanely dangerous. They have a vast amount of wealth and influence, which leads to an unproportional distribution of power. In the US—which is the self-declared “land of the free”—we aren’t...

My Best Garage Sale Steal

My Best Garage Sale Steal

Alexa McClain, Journalist November 30, 2021

I grew up in a family where garage selling was a norm. Every Saturday started out with being woken early at about 6:30-7:00 AM by my Papa, and hitting the road from there.    I gotta say, garage sales are so convenient. You simply drive through...

How to Spice Up This Thanksgiving

How to Spice Up This Thanksgiving

Makayla Bast, Journalist November 15, 2021

The time of the year has come. The most awaited day for the hungry wanting to have an excuse for a day to overeat to an unhealthy amount without criticism. Thanksgiving! Closing in quick on November 25th, promises hefty helpings of turkey, mashed potatoes,...

Forgotten History: The Empire State Building Plane Crash

Forgotten History: The Empire State Building Plane Crash

Benjamin Jensen, Columnist November 5, 2021

On July 28, 1945 A B-25 military bomber crashed into the Empire State Building in Manhattan, New York. 14 people were killed, and the crash was deemed an accident due to heavy fog.    The bomber itself was a B-25 that had 2 pilots and 1 passenger....

Homecoming: Behind the Scenes

Homecoming: Behind the Scenes

Ava Padelford, Co-Editor November 3, 2021

There was a lot of thought put into this year’s Homecoming and so much work put into it from StuGo and Mr.Evans. Many times we forget how much time and effort is truly put into this event.  COVID has taken a huge toll on the process and has given...

The Secret (A Treasure Hunt)

The Secret (A Treasure Hunt)

Benjamin Jensen, Columnist October 21, 2021

Treasure hunting is a mystery, sometimes easy, sometimes hard, but some treasure hunts seem more outrageous than others. In 1982, author Bryon Preiss created one of the most ambitious treasure hunts of all time. Currently, This treasure hunt still has...

What’s Wrong with Microtransactions in Video Games?

What’s Wrong with Microtransactions in Video Games?

Benjamin Jensen, Columnist October 13, 2021

For those who are new to gaming, microtransactions is the system of buying a digital item for a video game either being a benefit for being better at the game, or simply to make your in-game characters look better. Cosmetics, pay to win features, and...

Chasing Health and Fitness Goals

Chasing Health and Fitness Goals

Ava Padelford, Co-Editor October 8, 2021

It’s safe to say most of us want to learn to live a better lifestyle that involves eating healthy, nutritious foods and exercise. Having the desire to make the changes in our lives, however, can be very hard to follow through and even know how to do...

The Things I Miss

The Things I Miss

Caitlin Bailey, Journalist October 4, 2021

It’s funny looking back on my childhood. My generation--the one that was born before the first iPhone--is, perhaps, the last one that will ever be able to say that our childhoods were simple. I hate to sound like our parents, but it’s true; life was...

Hit or Miss: Met Gala Edition

Hit or Miss: Met Gala Edition

Caitlin Bailey, Journalist October 1, 2021

If there was ever a reason to call clothing art, this would be it. Lil Nas X’s theatrical clothing was a show-stopper for sure, one that came in three acts. Act I was a robe fit for a king, while Act II was reminiscent of a golden knight ready to charge...

MRHS Alumni In the State Press: Aden Schulze-Miller

MRHS Alumni In the State Press: Aden Schulze-Miller

Ava Padelford, Co-Editor September 27, 2021

Aden Schulze-Miller, former Editor-In-Chief at Ridge, is now a freshman at ASU and is doing big things for his career.    Schulze-Miller goes to school for journalism and has been given many unique opportunities to become a broadcaster or...