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The Ridge Review

The Student News Site of Mountain Ridge High School | Glendale, Arizona

The Student News Site of Mountain Ridge High School | Glendale, Arizona

The Ridge Review

The Student News Site of Mountain Ridge High School | Glendale, Arizona

The Ridge Review

How to Thrift Shop

How to Thrift Shop

Devyn Marie, Editor October 26, 2020

You wouldn’t buy a skirt without asking your friends if it looks good on you, right?   Humans are the least thoughtful beings when it comes to what we put on our bodies. We each throw away a good 70 pounds of clothes every year on average...

“How to Make Mac ‘N’ Cheese Without Waking Anyone Up at 3 A.M.”

“How to Make Mac ‘N’ Cheese Without Waking Anyone Up at 3 A.M.”

October 26, 2020

Mac ‘n’ cheese is one of the best late night meals, but the issue is, it tends to be quite loud. All the rattling of the pots, pouring of the noodles, and the boiling water burning on the stove is just not a good combination.    If you...

The Obscure Legend of King Gizzard

The Obscure Legend of King Gizzard

Ethan Pendegrass, Student Writer! October 26, 2020

Y'all ever heard about King Gizzard and the Wizard Lizard? It's not a band I've talked about  much. I found out about this band by looking around for cool band covers, when I saw this  particularly interesting oil painting background with the name:...

How to Survive High School (According to the Movies)

How to Survive High School (According to the Movies)

Molly Bomar, Journalist October 26, 2020

We all have seen those classic high school movies with all their teenage wisdom and expertise. The characters seem to know all: the best fashion choices, what clubs to join, who to be friends with, and what new phrases we should add to our vocabulary....

The Social Dilemma

The Social Dilemma

Molly Bomar, Journalist October 26, 2020

A new and ironically trending documentary “The Social Dilemma” has recently debuted on Netflix; the show focuses on the ways social media companies have manipulated our minds to buy into the damaging, negative, and twisted ways of society.    Unlike...

BSU (Black Student Union) is Back for This Year

BSU (Black Student Union) is Back for This Year

"What Does the BSU Have in Store for Ridge This Year?"
Aden Schulze-Miller, Editor in Chief October 22, 2020

On the 22nd of October, Ridge's Black Student Union (BSU) club had their first meeting of the 2020-2021 school year.   The club was hosted by Ridge seniors Nyalee Diaz and Imani Ralph who're both interested in offering support for the club...

Plans for the Next Semester

Plans for the Next Semester

October 22, 2020

Many changes and regulations have been made this year due to the virus, but students going online for the semester is the most notable one. Students are still unaware of the plans as the next semester only gets closer.   At the beginning of...

And So it Begins...

Staff Adventures! (2020-2021)

"Here's Where You Can See All That We've Accomplished Together :)"
All of Us!, The Ridge Review October 22, 2020

Our List of The Best Excuses (To Get Out of Trouble/Doing Something)

Our List of The Best Excuses (To Get Out of Trouble/Doing Something)

“The Go-To Excuses for Any Occasion (According to Our Staff).”
All of Us!, The Ridge Review October 22, 2020

“I fell in the toilet!”  “My cat pooped on my homework.” “Diarrhea… AGAIN!” “I let one slip and had to go home to change my pants. It was a risky one.”  “My dog ate my homework.” “I ate my homework.” “Mrs. Kaye ate...

There is a Review Among Us

There is a Review Among Us

Benjamin Jensen, Journalist October 22, 2020

While the world is quarantined from the COVID-19 outbreak. People will always find new ways to connect and have fun with their friends. A perfect example is a popular online game called “Among Us”.    Among Us is an online game created...

Binging at Babbo

Binging at Babbo

“Some Insider Tips For Dining-In at the Popular Local Restaurant.”
Aden Schulze-Miller, Editor in Chief October 22, 2020

I worked for Babbo Italian Eatery off of 67th for nearly eight months, and it was one of the strangest experiences of my life.    It was my first job, and while I wasn’t sure what to expect, I never thought that I’d be surrounded by the...

Senior Year

Senior Year

Kelsey Nahodil, Editor October 20, 2020

Senior year is here and looking back at all the adventures and activities that have happened throughout my years of high school, it has been a crazy three years so far. I remember back in freshman year thinking about spending four years here and how it...